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Satellite Image Data Processing

Conducting radiometric correction, geometric correction, and spatial correction on data
received from satellites, we customize algorithms to align with the characteristics of
customer satellites, delivering tailored services.


Satellite images are processed on the ground using image processing techniques (radiometric, spatial, geometric) based on the characteristics of satellite systems. This correction adjusts for physical displacement due to the characteristics of the satellite system and distortions caused by orbit, Earth’s curvature, etc., producing standardized image products.

EO Satellite Image

Applying specialized algorithms to correct distortions in raw image data received from satellites, our satellite image processing technology produces standardized image products. This technology includes radiometric, spatial, and geometric distortion correction for the creation of standard images from satellite data, enhancing overall image quality.

Key Features

Satellite Image Haze Removal
  • Possessing satellite image haze removal technology, we enhance the visibility and quality of degraded satellite images by eliminating haze, a factor affecting the images during satellite capture. This technology aims to improve the overall quality and utility of satellite imagery.


SAR Satellite Image

SAR satellite image processing demands various knowledge and expertise, encompassing the satellite’s orbit, SAR satellite operating modes, and SAR system characteristics. CONTEC offers the advanced CONTEC SAR-P solution, incorporating a crucial precision matching filter for high-resolution image processing in the Azimuth direction. This solution is specifically designed to process Spotlight and Sliding Spotlight images with exceptional precision.

Key Features